We Make Contactless Easy

Pcentra Payments Technology

The Game Changing Solution for Transit and Mobility Payments

The simplest, most accessible and completely risk-free way to implement online services on travel cards– for public transport and mobility providers of all sizes.


Why Pcentra for Passengers?

The Most Flexible, Accessible Payments Solution

Pcentra offers passengers convenient access to far more payment channels than any other supplier, empowering your passengers to pay in their own way. With Pcentra, passengers can pay via iOS and Android mobile apps, desktop PC, manned or self-service Point of Sale terminals, IVR, ATMs – or any other means of your choosing via API integration.

Crucially, as a completely passenger-focused supplier, we recognise the need to support the unbanked and the many passengers who still wish to pay by cash – which is why Pcentra supports cash top-ups via a range of channels.

Why Pcentra for You?

Zero Up-Front Costs – Live Within Six Months!

Pcentra’s model is different from other suppliers: we know our solution will work for you, so we don’t charge up-front implementation or maintenance fees. Our transaction-based model means zero up-front costs for you.

Additionally, because our solution is proven in the field and based upon the latest technology, we can deliver your new system within six months.

Contactless Payments Made Easy

Most of the world’s public transport passengers use travel cards. As a public transport operator, do you recognise these issues?

Offline Solution

Top-ups, access to concessions and card issuance all require in-person interaction.

Operations Burden

Wasted time for passengers and operators – especially in relation to cash use and collection.

Expensive Hardware

Risky and costly to get started – and difficult to scale.

This results in unsatisfied passengers, authorities and transport operators – but Pcentra is different!

The Pcentra Solution

Pcentra is the easiest way to implement smart payments, making it possible to offer passengers a truly ‘next generation’ range of payment options – without the next generation disruption.

The Pcentra Difference


You don’t have to start all over again! Pcentra plugs into your existing infrastructure, providing online payments without disruption or waste.


With the most payment methods, you can support all passengers – including the unbanked, elderly and children.

No Risk

Our transaction-based model means zero up-front costs for you. We will deliver within six months and grow with you.

Best for Concessions

Online applications processed and accessible in under a minute. We process millions of concessionary payments each year.

Words from our Customers

Spotlight on Pcentra Payments