Pcentra for Public Transport Operators (PTOs)

Enabling You to Deliver for Your Passengers


Mobility for All

With Pcentra, all passengers have convenient access between travel card to a means of payment that suits them:

Zero up-front costs

Zero Up-Front Costs

Our transaction-based model means no up-front costs for you and aligns our future goals – because we don’t get paid unless you succeed.

Simple Card Management

No more travel card issuance pain. Card requests, reviews and approvals are all undertaken online – streamlining the process for all involved.


No Cash Handling

‘Smart Cash’ means cash without the cash handling. With Pcentra your passengers can continue to pay by cash – but you don’t need to handle it, or worry about deploying service points.

Why Pcentra for Operators

Pcentra is a safe option for Public Transport Operators:

Do you want to know more? Get in touch!